P-FAB-2 Face Mask


The P-FAB-2 face mask includes a primary face mask body, a partial face shield “overshield”, and an insert component which holds your choice of filtration material against the inside of the overshield. The insert is included as a separate component to make 3D printing easier for those new to 3D printing.

The overshield directs air flow around the sides and towards the back of the wearer’s head, reducing the amount of air coming from or being directed at anyone in front of the wearer.

Though the P-FAB-2 face mask is available for download, please be aware that it currently only accommodates filtration materials up to 1/16” in thickness. Development has been paused at this time as the P-FAB-3 and P-FAB-4 face masks are believed to be a more efficient use of printing materials and time.

This seems like a good spot to point out that legal disclaimer again.

Recommended printing orientations are shown below.

With these orientations, no supports or bridging are required.

Prototypes were 3D Printed with 1.2mm wall thickness and 15% infill, though you should adjust your settings for your own printer and selected material.